SmartShake Revive 750ml

$19.90 Sale

SmartShake Revive 750ml


About SmartShake Revive

Don’t drop your game. With its soft loop handle, the Smartshake Revive is easy to carry and hold, and the unique Fruit Infuser v2 lets you mix your own favorite fruit water. This is the future of water bottles, available today.


Why So Smart?

  • Soft loop handle for easier carrying.
  • Secure cap and lid ensure a leak-proof seal.
  • Shock absorbing rubber.
  • Fruit infuser with sharp spurs mix your fruits and berries with water.
  • Completely BPA and DEHP free, every Smartshake is made of food grade approved materials.
  • Detachable and stackable storage compartment for carry powders, vitamins, supplements, snacks and more.